Who is Jesus?
Jesus is God who became man. In the Gospel of John, He is called the eternal Word of God, who has been with God forever and became flesh in time. That is, He became man, one of us and one with us.
The apostle Paul says that in Jesus dwells all the divine fullness bodily. He came to bring God as close to us as possible and to reveal to us the true nature of God.
God is Love. He loves all mankind so much that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him and receiveth Him should not perish but have eternal life.
God, who is our Creator, wants to be something even more to us: He wants to be our Father. He wants us to become His children and to live forever with Him in His joy and love.
Jesus is true God and true man. As man, He took upon Himself all that belongs to our life, including suffering and death. Jesus’ death on Calvary’s cross is both a sign of His total devotion and love to the end, as well as a sacrifice of redemption and reconciliation, through which our sins are forgiven, and our guilt is washed away. We are justified and free in Jesus.
As God, in His divine power, Jesus conquered death by rising from the dead on the third day after His crucifixion. During the forty days after the resurrection, Jesus showed himself to His disciples many times and then ascended into heaven. However, He is not far from any of us, for as God He is everywhere. Even more: through the Holy Ghost, He lives within those who believe in Him and love Him.
Read more here: Who is the Holy Ghost?