Who is God?
God is Spirit. The Bible says that God is the ONE WHO IS, that is, God is the very Being itself. He is the original cause and source of all being. The Bible also teaches that God is Life, Truth, Goodness, Righteousness, and Love, all of which are one in God. God is not divisible, He is the indivisible one, the fullness of all perfection.
However, the Church teaches that God is a Trinity: one God exists in three Persons who are distinct but undivided from each other. The persons of the Holy Trinity – the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost – are distinct only in their relations: the Father begets the Son and breathes out the Holy Ghost, the Son is begotten of the Father and breathes out the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son.
The fact that God is a Trinity tells us that God is not immovably frozen in himself. In God are all the riches of life. God does not need anyone or anything else; He lacks nothing, and no one can give or add anything to Him. This means that God does everything out of pure love. Also, the fact that God has created everything that exists is primarily an act of His love: God shares His being and life with us because He loves us, because He is Love.
God is almighty, merciful, good and long-suffering. He does not wish harm to anyone, only good. If sometimes it seems that God is punishing someone, then the purpose of this is not evil, but good. God did not create evil – evil is the absence of good. Evil comes from turning your back on God, who is Goodness and Love.
The only way to find truth, goodness, love, and true life, is to return to God. Since man himself is not capable of this, God comes to our aid; that is why the Father sent his Son, who became a man, one with us, to unite us again with God, our Creator and Father.
Read more here: Who is Jesus?