Fourth Sunday in Advent AD 2023
Enn Auksmann Enn Auksmann

Fourth Sunday in Advent AD 2023

When John the Baptist was asked who he was, he answered with the words of the prophet Isaiah: „I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness.“ This expression – „the voice of one crying in the wilderness“ – has two almost opposite meanings. On the one hand, it indicates someone who is, as it were, in a completely hopeless situation. Either he is lost and cannot find the way to where he wants to go, and there is no one there to help him and show him the way, or he himself tries to lead the lost in the right direction, but no one listens to him.

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Third Sunday in Advent AD 2023
Enn Auksmann Enn Auksmann

Third Sunday in Advent AD 2023

Often, other people and even God are seen as stopgaps: we pay attention to them when we need them, and we act as if they exist only to benefit us. In a sense, this is natural: without God we would not exist, and without other people it would be difficult – if not completely impossible – for us to live. Even St. Augustine says: “For when I seek Thee, my God, I seek a happy life. I will seek Thee, that my soul may live. For my body lives by my soul; and my soul by Thee" and "Thou madest us for Thyself, and our heart is restless, until it rests in Thee".

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Second Sunday in Advent AD 2023
Enn Auksmann Enn Auksmann

Second Sunday in Advent AD 2023

Throughout history, people have been afraid of, and at the same time, waiting for the end of the world. It’s a kind of thrill mixed with fear, much like watching horror movies. Of course, next to the end of the world, horror movies are nothing: all you have to do is turn off the TV and switch on the light to make everything all right again. However, we can’t just turn off the end of the world.

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First Sunday in Advent AD 2023
Enn Auksmann Enn Auksmann

First Sunday in Advent AD 2023

On the first Sunday in Advent, the Gospel speaks of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. Since Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas, for celebrating the Nativity of Our Lord, the Church has considered it important to emphasize who is the Child whose birth we are waiting for: it is our Saviour who redeemed us by His suffering, death, and precious blood.

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The Sunday Next Before Advent AD 2023
Enn Auksmann Enn Auksmann

The Sunday Next Before Advent AD 2023

The feeding of the five thousand men with five barley loaves and two fishes took place at the time of the Passover. This is important to know because it helps us understand the meaning and message of this miracle. All of Jesus’ miracles are signs through which He reveals to us the mysteries of God’s grace as well as who He is and why He has come.

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