The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany AD 2025

Saint Paul uses an interesting metaphor in today's Epistle, speaking of virtues as different garments worn one on top of the other. These garments are: a heart of compassion, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing one another, forgiving one another, and charity.

“A heart of compassion”, in the King James translation "bowels of mercies," refers to a heart that looks upon the loved ones, touched by their pain, feeling heartfelt sympathy for them. The Greek word used here is one of those that are based on an emotional exclamation expressing the corresponding emotion, in this case "Oh!" It is with such pity that God looks upon us, His beloved, often so weak and erring children, and with the same pitiful heart we must look upon our neighbors, even upon those who have erred against us.

From this compassion springs kindness, which is the tenderness towards one's neighbor and a willingness to do good to them. Kindness must be accompanied by humbleness, meekness, and long-suffering. It's not that easy – neither we nor other people are always lovable. Often, the opposite is true: with our behavior and words, sometimes with our whole way of life, we cause resentment, even anger. That’s why we must forbear one another, forgive one another. And we definitely need charity – above all else, holding everything else together like a girdle that is tied over all other garments. Because only charity can truly hold all things together.


Septuagesima Sunday AD 2025


The Presentation of Christ in the Temple