Second Sunday after Trinity AD 2024

Excuses, excuses, excuses... We have thousands of excuses for not being able to do one thing or another. From “the dog ate my homework” to not being there for my child’s birth or at my mother’s deathbed, because I had got tickets to the final or I was busy making money…

It’s true that we don’t always have time for everything. We can’t be in many places at once, even if we really wanted to. And it is not always possible to make good choices, so we must accept poor ones. However, it is often still just excuses, sometimes even made-up ones…

Therefore, it is essential to take time to analyze your choices and make the necessary changes in your life. Whereas the first, elementary change you must begin with should be structuring your daily life, starting with regular prayer, similar to taking care of your body regularly.

Today’s Scripture readings give us two important points of reference: faith and love. If we must choose, and one of our choices is faith, we should always choose faith. Faith means surrendering yourself to God. However, this does not result in passivity, but on the contrary: entrusting ourselves to God means that we listen to His word, follow His will and do His works.

Since God’s will is love, choosing faith always means choosing love. We cannot have true faith in God apart from works of love. So, if we base our lives on the true faith, all other things, with the help of God, also will fall into place. Then we no longer choose finals over being at the birth of our child or earning money over watching at our mother’s deathbed…

God is calling and waiting for all of us.


Third Sunday after Trinity AD 2024


First Sunday after Trinity AD 2024